Siren Soup

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Karma is definitely about to run out....

Yes, so this is what I just had the pleaseure of viewing through my rearview mirror -- flashing lights and all. Fun huh?

So I pull over (after I hang up the cell phone) expecting the cop to come up and tell me I have a light out or some such similar nonsense and send me on my way.

Funny that I had no recollection of the fact that I had run a red light a little while back and I definitely didn't know there was a traffic camera there...

So I have my licensce out and he comes up and says I ran a red light, like he expected me to deny it or something. But I just said ok. And he asked for my licensce, registration, and insurance. I promptly give him my license and registration, however I have the sinking feeling that I forgot to put my new insurance card in the I take a pile of stuff out of the glovebox and of course there just happen to be some autograph cards from a washed up beauty queen....needless to say I got off with a warning... But after this and my flight miracle, I know my Karma will soon run out...


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